MongoDB repository
2023. 2. 23. 23:37
Keyword | 예시 |
Greater Than | findByAgeGreaterThan(int age) |
Less Than | findByAgeLessThan(int age) |
Between | findByAgeBetween(int from, int to) |
IsNotNull, NotNull | findByFirstnameNotNull() |
IsNull, Null | findByFirstnameNull() |
Like | findByFirstnameLike(String name) |
Regex | findByFirstnameRegex(String firstname) |
(No keyword) | findByFirstname(String name) |
Not | findByFirstnameNot(String name) |
Near | findByLocationNear(Point point) |
Within | findByLocationWithin(Circle circle) |
Within | findByLocationWithin(Box box) |
IsTrue, True | findByActiveIsTrue() |
IsFalse, False | findByActiveIsFalse() |
Exists | findByLocationExists(boolean exists) |
참고 👇
6. MongoDB repositories
Most of the data access operations you usually trigger on a repository result a query being executed against the MongoDB databases. Defining such a query is just a matter of declaring a method on the repository interface The first method shows a query for